Vacation Bible School is often a highlight for children. Our church in Maine held theirs recently. Here is a summary of what happened.
- Every night between 45 – 50 children and teens came to VBS at West Hampden.
Craft time for one group |
- Every night there were songs, crafts, games, Bible time, and a missionary challenge. The children heard a continuing missionary story from Joan and the teens were challenged by Charlie to consider God’s calling for their lives. Charlie also taught the Junior High class during their Bible time.
- Every night the two teams (the Fords and the Chevys) raced each other to reach the finish line first. Points accumulated pushed each team closer and closer to the goal. Every night the Fords were a little ahead until the last night when the Chevys surged ahead and won.
- Every night parents brought their children and some of them stayed until it was over.
So, was it successful? It depends on how you count success. Only God knows the whole story, but here is what we know.
- The workers were faithful to do the job they were called to do. They also did it with enthusiasm and joy.
- The children kept coming back.
Telling the missionary story. |
- Many Scripture verses were committed to memory.
- One child made a profession of saving faith. Another name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
- Over $400 was raised for us to buy children’s materials for our ministries and missionaries abroad.
Overall it was a good week, and we are thankful that we were able to be a part of it.
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