Our Ministry

We are missionaries with International Partnership Ministries, whose home office is based in Hanover, Pennsylvania.  IPM is different from most US mission agencies because it is primarily serving national church planters.  Most of these church planters are experienced when they join IPM.

In order to raise up more church planters in their respective countries, several of our missionaries have started Bible institutes or colleges to train men and increase the training of local pastors.  When asked, IPM sends one of its men from the education department to teach a course.  That is Charlie's role.  So far, he has taught classes in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Peru, Myanmar, Liberia, Bolivia and the Philippines. Sometimes the church wants a conference speaker. He has done that in Mexico, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Every culture knows how to teach and train their children to become responsible citizens.  Some of our national missionaries are tremendous in their ability to train and disciple children in the things of God, but they often appreciate help, encouragement, and affirmation.  They also have expressed a need for help with materials and curriculum.  This is where Joan works. She has taught children's ministry seminars in the Philippines, Bolivia, Peru, Liberia and Guatemala. She and the other team members at IPM are working on providing curricula as well.

Pray for us as we go to various places to encourage the national men and women to be the best they can be for their Lord.

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