Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What's Different About Uruguay?

Over plates of steaming pasta, our hostess, Schumayk Moyano, said to us one afternoon, "You've been all over the world. What do you see as different here from other places where you have been?"

"The dogs," we said together, and laughed. It was the first thing we noticed upon arriving. In most places where we have been, street dogs roam, nibble at garbage, and fight over perceived territory. In Uruguay, however, the dogs are well-groomed pets, not wild street dogs. They trotted beside their. owners on a leash or played catch with them on the beach.  Most were purebreds, and the large breeds were preferred. While we occasionally saw a small dog like a terrier or dachshund, large dogs like shepherds, retrievers, huskies, and setters dominated the scene. One day we saw a dog walker with a dozen dogs on leashes, walking down the middle of a side street. I do not think we have encountered dog walkers in any of our other trips abroad.

"Secondly," Charlie went on, "the vehicles. They are nicer and there are not very many pickup trucks." When we travel, It is not uncommon for Charlie to notice the number of older cars that would not pass inspection in the US. In Uruguay, however, we saw very few old cars or cars that were banged up or not running. Overall, the Uruguayans take care of their vehicles. Instead of the majority of cars being pickups, the city dwellers of Montevideo preferred SUVs. And when you got into one of their vehicles, you find, to your surprise, the seat belts work, and the people in the front seat are expected to use them.

"Exercise is more important here than in most countries," I added. Nowhere in the Americas, not even in the U.S., have we seen as many gyms and so many runners. Often when we go somewhere and Charlie asks about running, people look at him like he's crazy. But in Montevideo, it was normal. At any time of the day, there were dozens of people out running, cycling, or walking. Along the Rambla, the sidewalk that ran along the coast for miles, eight-foot posts painted in white and green marked every 500 meters so you could know how far you had gone.  In parks throughout the city, exercise machines were not only present, but people were using them.

For us, though, one of the saddest differences we saw was the lack of interest in spiritual things. In most countries, especially in Latin America, we see quite a few churches of varying faiths and denominations. Our hosts told us that in their neighborhood, theirs is the only gospel-preaching church. Sometimes missionaries make that claim, but they usually mean that there are no other churches like theirs nearby. In this case, however, they were exactly right. There were some synagogues and a Catholic church, but no other Protestant churches. Not even the cults were present.

Uruguay has more people unaffiliated with any religion than any country in Latin America, including Cuba. They seem happy that they are more agnostic and atheistic than their neighbors. They feel no need for God. He is simply not important to their daily lives. Children do not know about Him and can grow to adulthood never hearing His Name.

Yet in the midst of the darkness we found light. Perhaps because they feel isolated and alone, Christians band together for fellowship. When the church service ended, the fellowship began. An hour later, people were still there - talking and listening to each other's stories. The teenagers and young adults left earlier, but not to go home. They pooled their money to buy pizza and continued their fellowship around a table at a local restaurant.

The small churches of Uruguay are spread thin across the country, but when they have an opportunity to link arms, they do. Five churches were represented at the camp where Charlie taught on finances. A couple years ago, when it became obvious that a Bible college was needed to train people for the ministry, like-minded churches and mission boards banded together to supply the teachers and get the school off the ground. Such cooperation is rare and a testimony to the love of God present among the believers.

So is Uruguay different? Definitely. Yet aren't all countries and cultures a little different from each other? Perhaps that is why God created so many cultures. Together they form a beautiful tapestry that gives credit to a God of order and beauty. Alone, a single culture falls short of giving God the glory He is due. Each culture has too many shortcomings, but together we come closer to understanding God and honoring Him. At the end of time, people from every language, tongue, tribe and nation will worship Him, and I am glad that I met some of them in Uruguay.

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