Monday, May 30, 2016

Cultural Differences that Let You Know You've Been Abroad a While

We were gone too few days to experience what some would call 'reverse culture shock,' but we are finding ourselves amused by some of the differences we are noticing now that we are back.  It started as soon as we touched down in the airport in Miami and has continued all week.

So let me put it this way.  You know you have been abroad a while when you:
Protected trees in the middle
of a Bolivian street.
  • get excited about how inexpensive something is and then realize that the price is in dollars. 
  • find that seat belts actually work and you are expected to use them.
  • lean in to kiss the cheek of someone who has offered you a hand shake. 
  • look for fresh milk at the grocery store in one-liter plastic bags.
  • see a blue-eyed person and wonder what country they are from and how long they have been here.
  • cannot find the bill you need to pay for your items because they all have green on them.
  • wonder why the driver stopped for a red light when there was no oncoming traffic.
  • say "Muchas Gracias" to the clerk who has been speaking to you in English.
  • think it strange that so few properties have fences and walls around them.
  • automatically toss your toilet paper in the trash can instead of the toilet.
  • wonder why people are watching baseball when there surely must be a good soccer game available to watch.
  • miss the shade of the protected trees in the middle of the streets, sidewalks, and parking lots.
  • are surprised by how few forty-year-old cars are on the road.
  • wonder if the tap water is safe enough for you to use it to brush your teeth.
  • think it is normal for a taxi ride across town to only cost a couple dollars.
  • see a construction site and wonder why they would spend money on a porta-potty.
Since we were only gone a couple weeks, it is not taking us long to get back to the way of doing things here.  However, I am grateful for the tapestry of cultures that we get to enjoy, and we look forward to going again where there will be new things to learn when we go, and thing to unlearn when we return.

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