Coming back from a month abroad can have several effects on me. Sometimes I return aware that I miss being abroad and I am disappointed by how fast the time went by. Sometimes I feel so blessed by the amenities we have here. This time, though, I came back so very conscious of how spoiled I really am. There are so many things that I have come to expect after living a life of relative comfort here in the United States. Being abroad this time was a reminder to me that the rest of the world often has relatively few of the things that I think are normal.
As a North American, I often do not even think about what great blessings these things are.
As a North American, I often do not even think about what great blessings these things are.
- Safe drinking water flowing out of the tap. We purchased bottled water the whole time we were gone. Even though many of the places had safe water, we knew there were places where the safest thing for us was to buy bottled water.
- Water that flows into our home 24-hours a day instead of having just a half hour to fill your buckets so that you have water for the rest of the day. Although this was the case in only one location in Peru, it was a reminder to me that this is a reality for many people in the world.
- Hot water in the shower. On a hot day, I do not mind a cold shower or even a cold bucket bath; but on colder days, I really appreciate the reliability of hot water flowing from the shower head.
- A washing machine that does a good job of getting my clothes clean rather than having to wash them by hand on the rocks.
- A dryer that quickly dries our clothes, even the towels and jeans, on rainy days and adds softness to them. We do not have to wait days for things to dry on rainy days.
- A car rather than having to rely on public transportation. I appreciate the lower prices of public transportation, however.
- Public transportation that runs on a schedule instead of "when the seats are full." A trip that could happen in two hours might take all day since you never know when departure will happen.
- Refrigerators that allow you to purchase more than a one or two-day supply of fresh food at a time. Daily trips to market allow for fresh food, but they certainly take time.
- Ice in our drinks. We would have avoided asking for ice anyway, but it is nice to be able to put ice in my beverage if I want some.
- All-day electricity. In the jungle town, we had electricity from 6:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. We charged our cell phones and computers during this time. During the hottest part of the day, however, there was no availability for anything that might cool you, not even an electric fan.
- Fresh vegetables that can be eaten raw without pre-soaking in anti-bacterial vegetable wash. I came back craving salads. Fresh fruit, on the other hand, was something we had in abundance. Now I find I miss the variety of fresh fruit juices that were available there.
- Screens on our windows and doors. I walked into our hotel room, and one of the first things I noticed was the screens. How grateful I was for them as we saw that most of the homes did not have them.
- A variety in our breakfasts. This may have been the first time in my life when I said that I had enough white rice for a while. Every morning we had the same thing - white rice, white beans, plantain, and eggs. It was tasty and I was grateful for it, but it is nice to have some variety.
- Covers on my bed. It was warm enough in the jungle that we did not need covers, but I missed having a top sheet. Yet I was grateful for what we had. I am not sure how well I would have fared in a hammock instead.
- Septic systems that allow you to flush your toilet paper and the availability of toilet paper in public rest rooms.
Charlie enjoying a frozen Passion Fruit drink on our last day. |