Thursday, April 17, 2014

One Week and Counting

One week from today we leave for Cuernavaca, Mexico. We will board the plane in Chattanooga and fly to Atlanta.  From there we will catch a connecting flight to Mexico City.  In Mexico city, our missionary, Sergio Herrera, will meet us.  We will get on a bus and ride the remainder of the way to where they live near Cuernavaca.

Many things have already been accomplished. 
Two cases of Spanish Bibles.
  • We purchased Spanish Bibles and a flannelgraph set to take with us.
  • We have been preparing lessons.
  • A friend in Maine is checking over my Spanish grammar on the things I've finished while I continue to work on more lessons.
  • We bought our tickets.
  • We have been in communication with the Herreras about the upcoming seminar.
In the midst of all this, I have been so glad to have an office again.

It has been great to go to the bookshelf to research the things I need for my lessons.
What is left still to do?  Much.

The regular things of life do not stop just because we have a trip coming up.  Resurrection Sunday is coming.  There are special events this week, including the arrival of family visiting from Minnesota.  We also need to:
  • Figure out how to pack the Bibles and other materials we are taking.
  • Finish the lessons we are preparing.
  • Print off handouts and outlines.
  • Talk to our neighbors and ask them to keep an eye on things while we are gone.
  • Hire someone to cut the lawn and water the fledgling garden that Charlie planted.
  • Gather our personal items and pack them without going overweight with all the things we are taking.
  • Get a ride to the airport.
  • Somehow do the other things like eat, sleep, exercise, pray, read our Bibles, go to church, and all the other normal things of life.
If we were to write a detailed list, I'm sure it would be very long.  But you get the idea.  We would definitely appreciate prayer as we count down to our departure.


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