Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Guatemala: Land of "Pase adelante" and flowers

Where ever we went in Guatemala we were greeted with "Pase adelante."  This phrase, literally "come forward", has a meaning of "welcome" and "come in" all rolled into one.

When we got ready to board the mini-bus the driver would say "pase adelante." When I went to speak to the ladies in the kitchen of the hotel they would say "pase adelante." When we arrived at our host's house for meals; "pase adelante." In a store, a barber shop or restaurant they all greeted us with pase adelante.

The most amazing pase adelante was in the village behind the hotel. We arranged to get the gate unlocked and walked the 1/2 mile or so into the town. One of the first houses we passed had two ladies out in front. Joan started to take a picture and this opened up a conversation. We were invited into the courtyard of the house where Joan took a picture of the woman in front of the bed of flowers.

Guatemala is home to many of the flowers and houseplants we are familiar with in the US, except they grow naturally, and in many cases wild. The flower industry is big business in Guatemala. As we drove around we would see flower houses cascading down the mountainsides. They were plastic covered and without sides. Inside we would often catch a glimpse of flowers being grown for the world market. The sight of a Guatemalan woman in traditional huipil skirt and embroidered blouse and apron with a basket of flowers on her head going to or from the market in the town plaza was not unusual. The plaza would be surrounded by women selling fruit, vegetables, live poultry and rabbits, roasted iguana, and flowers. Many of the houses were festooned with vines and other flowering plants and a bouquet that would be extravagant in the US is available to a modest farmer in Guatemala.

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