Monday, March 19, 2012


I sit on the beige loveseat in my parents’ home, looking out the front windows at the freshly-rinsed spring-green grass, sparkling in the sunshine.  Long shadows from tree trunks fall across the lawn, and dappled shadows flirt among its blades as the wind blows through the tall pine trees.  I love the sunshine.  I need light, and today I’m realizing it more than ever.

For months now I have been struggling with lethargy.  I get very little done each day, and yet I am so tired that all I want to do is sleep.  I awaken tired in the morning and could fall asleep almost anytime I sit down.  The only time, it seems, I don’t feel like sleeping is when a screen is in front of me.  So I spend too much time browsing on the computer when there are so many other things I need to do.

This week Charlie and I have been attending and participating in a missions’ conference.  The theme has been “Send the Light.”  It has been a good reminder of Jesus’ light in our lives and our need to reflect and spread that light to those around us who are in darkness.  My heartbeat quickened whenever the preacher talked about the joy of seeing the light come on in someone' else’s life when they realize they need God to fill the vacuum in their lives.  It has been a long time since I’ve personally experienced that.  So I began to pray that God would make me more effective in sharing God’s light with others. 

While I prayed, a thought occurred to me: Could my lethargy be partly due to a need for more light?  The thought almost startled me.  I thanked the Lord for His care for me, asked forgiveness for my own sin of giving into laziness, and asked for His healing in my life with His light, both spiritual and natural.

This morning, I read my Bible with the "Lite Book” off to one side.  The Lite-Book shone its light into my eyes as the Bible shone its light into my heart.  It’s too soon to tell, but I think the Lite-Book is helping. 

The good news is that I don’t have to wonder about the Bible.  It always helps shine the light into the dark corners of my heart where the nasty weeds of selfishness and pride are finding a place to take root.  Depending on how long I’ve let them grow, sometimes removing them is hard and painful, but oh, so good at the same time.

Thank you, Lord, for light!

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