Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our Trip to Florida

The Maces, friends and members of our home church in Maine, invited us to visit them in Florida.  We decided to take them up on the offer and visit churches while we were there.  We drove down on Valentine’s Day and spent the rest of the week there.  On Sunday afternoon, we left the Maces and drove north a couple hours to my cousin’s church for the evening service.  We then spent two nights with an aunt and uncle before driving to Atlanta for the BJU friendship dinner.  We stayed there with my sister so that we could attend a church in Atlanta on Wednesday night, and finally returned home on Thursday.  Altogether, it was a great week that can be summed up in these phrases.

1.       Restful workplaces.  Although we had some work that had to be done, our hosts gave us a very relaxed atmosphere in which to do it.  They have a screened balcony that overlooks a golf course.  It was the best “office” we could have had.  From there we answered mail, made phone calls, and enjoyed the fresh breeze and beautiful scenery.  Then, at my aunt and uncle’s home, the dining room became my “office”.  From there I could see the sun shining on the water of the lake behind their house and watch alligator bask in the sun.

2.       Daily exercise.  Florida temperatures made neighborhood or beach walks possible every day.  Jogging was on the agenda several times.  One day we went to the weight room.  Swimming would have been possible, but after a walk on the beach, a pool seemed small and the bay felt cold.

3.       Good church contacts.  We visited a number of churches, one of which looks like it will schedule us for a meeting. 

4.       Delicious food.  I think I gained more than five pounds in that one week.  The food was great, and there was always more of it than I needed.  I discovered that I like sweet potato soup (yummy!), orange swirl ice cream, and watermelon chunks as an evening snack. 

5.       Reconnecting with missionaries.  Our church has supported Margaret Holmes-Gualtieri for years.  Now she is retired and living in Bradenton.  One afternoon we drove over to see her and meet her husband, Art.  They invited us in and showed us around the village where they live.  During that time, I got to see my childhood hero, Pat Filmore, for the first time in more than forty years.  Pat was a missionary nurse in a remote tribe in the highlands of Papua, Indonesia.  As a child, she was my hero, and I wanted to be a missionary nurse because of her.  (High school chemistry convinced me otherwise.)

6.       Christian relatives.  One of the joys of getting together with my family is the bond we share as Christians.  Charlie and my uncle spent hours discussing various issues.  It was also great to hear how the Lord is using their retirement years as they invest dozens of hours every week in helping others.

7.       Unexpected blessings.  A pastor offered to have us come back for a meeting.  One night we walked into a church, and found they were having a special guest:  Dr. Bob Jones III.   I met a woman who was a toddler the last time I saw her in Indonesia.  I had just put a hole in a pair of jeans, and my aunt gave me a new pair. 
Altogether it was a great week, and we're thankful for all the people who made it special for us.

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