Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Homesick for Heaven

“We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” II Corinthians 5:8

When the sun comes up in the morning and paints the sky with gold, and the clouds shimmer as though they hide angels, and the deep blue sky behind the bright spring green of the trees reminds me of the beauty of summer flowers still to come, I marvel at the creative hand of God. Then when I stand on the ocean’s rocky shore and watch the sea spray reach for the sky, see the cormorants dive for their food and hear the seals bark, I wonder why God made such an incredibly beautiful earth for us to enjoy. When I have stood on the sandy beaches of tropical isles and seen the last glow of the sun paint a path across the calm seas, I have dreamed of being able to walk that path and arrive at the other end in heaven.

I think I have always longed for heaven. When I was eight years old, I dreamed of it. I saw the radiant glow of the golden city and wanted to go there, but it was blocked from me. In my dream, a glass dome covered the city and I could not go inside. But oh, how I longed to be there. After that, I prayed every night for a long time that Jesus would come back before morning. When I awoke in the morning, I was so disappointed to awake in my bed in my own room. But I bounded happily out of bed saying to myself, Maybe tonight He will come and this will be my last day to enjoy.

God had spread so much beauty around for us to enjoy. The star-filled nights and trembling thunderstorms, the whispering fall of white snow, the frozen rivers that crack and break under spring’s thaw, the eagles, seagulls, and hawks that fly past my windows, and the first shoots of spring flowers pushing up through the mud. I could go on and on. Our world is so beautiful.
God has also filled my life with many good things. I have a husband I love and family and friends who are precious to me. I have a roof over my head and clothes to wear. I do not lack for food. Yet I long for heaven.

Almost every day something beckons my heart toward that place where Jesus will reign supreme. It will be so much better to be with Him. I long for the day when I will be able to bow at the feet of the Savior of my soul and thank Him face to face for His saving grace. I look forward to the day when I will stand with myriads of people raising our voices with one loud voice, singing "Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb!"

1 comment:

Yvonne Blake said...

Ahhh... I love the prayer of you, as a little girl.

Abel got all excited once, as we drove through some clouds on a mountain. He said, as a two yr.old, "We're going to see Jesus!"

Welcome to the Blogging World. I have one, too.
