Saturday, November 30, 2019

A-Z Thanks for this Year's Thanksgiving


I come, amazed at Your blessings that overflow into our lives. I could spend hours just praising You, but to keep my list relatively short, I’ll walk through the alphabet. 

Thank You, Lord, for

  • Answered prayer.
  • Beautiful days. The beauty around me always points me to Your creative genius. Thank You for giving me eyes to see and appreciate the beauty around me.
  • Charlie. He could so easily have died this month, but You gave Him back to me. Thank you.
  • Doctors and nurses who made Charlie’s stay in the hospital so much easier. Thank You for the training and wisdom they have to help sick and injured people get well again.
  • Electronic devices. Thank You that we were able to reach an ambulance quickly with my cell phone. Thank You that I was able to call family as I drove to the hospital with the blue tooth connection to my phone.
  • Friends. Thank You for the way they rallied around us with their support.
  • Grace. You have given us Your grace to meet this trial. Every day we need it, and every day it’s there.
  • House. It keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer and gives us a place to call home.
  • Internet. It was so easy to get online and let everyone know what was happening.
  • Jogging. Thank You that Charlie has been physically active. We keep hearing that his recovery will be quicker because he paid attention to his health.
  • Kia. Thank You for a reliable car that gets us where we need to go for all the appointments Charlie has these days.
  • Linwood Baptist Church and the other churches that have prayed for us throughout our ministry, especially in these past few days.
  • Mornings. Thank You that Charlie’s energy is pretty good in the morning and that most of his therapy sessions are happening in the morning.
  • Nieces, nephews and the rest of our extended family who have been so supportive of us during this time.
  • Opportunities. Thank You for every opportunity that comes our way. Help us to make the most of them.
  • Peace. Thank You for the peace You give. It has carried me through many uncertain hours and days in the past and especially in recent days.
  • Quiet. These days Charlie needs a lot of it. Thank you for quiet days between therapy days.
  • Rest and recovery. Thank You that Charlie is able to rest and recover.
  • Speech. We don’t think that much of our ability to talk until it’s taken away. Thank You that You are restoring Charlie’s speech.
  • Therapists and therapy. What an amazing time in the history of our world that we have people who specialize in helping injured people heal. Thank You for this blessing. The therapists Charlie is seeing have been kind and helpful. Thank You for their attempts to understand what he is experiencing.
  • Unknown. Thank You that I didn’t know Charlie’s stroke was coming. I would have been a nervous wreck all day and even the days, weeks and months leading up to it. Thank You that I don’t know the future, but that I trust You, the One who does. Thank You that You hold all my tomorrows in Your hand.
  • Vascular doctors. Thank You, Lord, for doctors who are trained in the diagnosis of strokes and the prevention of it happening again. Yet we recognize that You are the One that gave him life, and You are the One that knows how long his life will be. Thank You that the doctors were there, but even more, thank You that You were there.
  • Wellness. Thank You for keeping me well while we work through Charlie’s recovery.
  • X-rays and other medical tests. Thank You that these medical devices enabled the doctors to see, understand, and treat his stroke relatively quickly.
  • Your vast love for us.
  • Zest for life. Thank You that even though Charlie could be enjoying heaven instead of being here on this earth, You have given him a zest for life and a desire to use his days for eternity. 
Lord, this list doesn't come close to all the things I have been considering in my list of praises to You for all You have done. With almost every letter, I could have listed multiple other things. But I give You thanks because Your blessings are innumerable.


Photo: Charlie has always loved being physically active. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

November News

On Thursday, November 13, confusing questions battled for my attention as I drove to the hospital. Would Charlie survive the stroke, or would it kill him as it killed my grandfather? Would I arrive at the hospital only to be told, “I’m so sorry. We did all we could, but we couldn’t save him.” Would it handicap him so that our ministry would end? 

Swatting at the tears and determined to stay focused on my driving, I kept going. I told the Lord once again, as I have many times throughout our years of marriage, that Charlie is a gift that He gave to me, and He has the right to take him home whenever He chooses. (He doesn’t need my permission, but it helps my heart to say it.) I reaffirmed my trust in the Almighty who knows what the future holds.

Charlie not only survived, but we arrived at the hospital in time for them to give him an injection of tPA, a “miracle drug” for stroke patients. He was released from the hospital four days later. He has now recovered almost all of his physical ability and strength, but his brain is still healing. Speaking, reading, and writing are still difficult.

The day he was released from the hospital, we were supposed to fly to Bolivia. Once again our ministry in Bolivia was put on hold, though the political situation in that country may have meant that our hosts would have asked us to stay home anyway. We are looking at trying again in July or August of next year.

Today we thank God.

  • I was with Charlie when the stroke happened.
  • The ambulance arrived quickly and the doctors expect Charlie to fully recover.
  • Charlie was home for my birthday. He brought me the card he intended to give to me in Bolivia and said, “I’m so glad I get to give this to you today.”
Thank you for your prayers for us. Please keep them coming. Pray that:

  • Peace would return to Bolivia and that the Christians there would shine as lights for God during this difficult time.
  • Charlie would heal completely from the stroke and be able to return to a full schedule.
  • Charlie's project for his doctoral studies would not be postponed too much because of this incident.
  • We would be able to accompany the mission’s team from our church when they go to Jamaica in January. Charlie may not be ready to teach yet, but it looks like he will be able to go.
  • Charlie would be ready to teach a module in the Philippines in March.
  • Pray that future years would be even more fruitful than the past years have been.

Evidently, God still has work for us to do. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Photo: Charlie in the hospital