Friday, September 9, 2016

God is Good

September Newsletter

GOD IS GOOD.  We know this is true regardless of our perceptions, but lately it has been obvious in our ministry.

One of the VBS classes
GOD IS GOOD in Arequipa, Peru. In July, Joan traveled to Arequipa to conduct a children’s ministry VBS training.  Levi Schooley, also in the children’s ministry department of IPM, co-taught the class with her.  Almost as soon as the class was over, Joan lost her voice.  God was good to give her the strength to teach and then give her the chance to observe during the second week when she had no voice.  It was a very busy week with both a leadership conference and VBS going on, but it was a delight to see several children make professions of faith.

GOD IS GOOD in Guatemala.  A week after Joan left, Charlie left for Guatemala.  Giovanni AvendaƱo asked him to teach on finances in the Bible institute.  He taught each week in the institute, preached in the services, visited in homes, and taught Sunday school.  Joan arrived after he had been there 10 days, and she taught the children’s teachers, participated in children’s club, and visited with people.  During the time they were there, they were privileged to see the Lord of the Harvest bring saving faith to more than twenty people.
Charlie preaching in Guatemala.

GOD IS GOOD to provide for our travels.  One of the blessings of frequent travels are frequent flyer miles.  When we were booking our tickets to Guatemala, the travel account was dry, but we had frequent flyer miles we could use.  So instead of using financial gifts this time, we were able to use miles to book round trip tickets for Charlie and the return trip for Joan.

GOD IS GOOD when we cross paths with people.  As she waited for her flight in Lima, Peru, Joan met a young woman who had missed her flight.  Natalia needed to charge her phone, so she asked if she could use Joan’s computer to charge it.  This gave Joan an opportunity to share God’s love with her.

GOD IS GOOD in allowing us to go to Europe.  Last year, Joan’s brother invited us to go with him to Belarus on a mission’s trip.  Even though this is our work, Charlie thought it sounded like a great “vacation” too.  So we are flying out on September 10 to participate in a leadership conference there and get to know some of our Belarussian brothers and sisters.

On our return home, we will be stopping in Luxembourg where we will spend time with missionary friends, Tim and Kathy Heijermans.  They have asked us to do a children’s ministry seminar for children and their parents.  We have known the Heijermans for many years, and it will be great to see firsthand the work that they have been doing.

GOD IS GOOD to give us the energy to do what He calls us to do.  Whether it is battling laryngitis in Peru, a stomach bug in Guatemala, or bronchitis in Minnesota, God has enabled us to keep going. We are blessed.

GOD IS GOOD in providing people who pray for us and support us.  Thank you.

Yes, it’s true.  GOD IS GOOD – all the time.

Thank you for your prayers,
Charlie and Joan Farley

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Guatemalan Harvest

I stepped off the plane, glad to be back in Guatemala again.  Ever since I lived there many years ago, Guatemala is a country that is close to my heart.  The people are friendly; the scenery is beautiful; and the weather is like an eternal spring.  Then, two years ago, my heart bonded with several of the people in the church where we worked, and I was looking forward to seeing them again.  Yet this time it was even more special because Charlie was already there, waiting for me.

On the two-hour ride back from the airport to the small town of Cerro Alto, I saw the corn fields, tall, tasseled, and ready for harvest.  We passed a market where the vendors tables were piled high with garden produce.  I looked longingly at all the fresh fruit and looked forward to sinking my teeth into guava, papaya, and lychees.  Flowers, ready for export, grew along the way.  The abundant gardens gave tribute to a mighty God who was providing for the Guatemala people.

Yet along the way, Charlie told me of an even more important harvest that was happening.  The previous Sunday, eight people had come forward to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  I was impressed. In a church of less than one hundred people, that it a significant number.  I rejoiced at the wonderful work God was doing there and excited at the prospect of meeting these new believers.

I knew, from our previous visit, that newcomers to this church do not always realize that they need to make a decision to follow Christ.  Their religious background has led them to believe that they are fine.  After all, they were baptized when they were young, and they have tried to do right.  Then, after attending for a while and hearing the commands of Christ to repent of their sin and follow Him, they realize that they need more.  They need to surrender in faith and ask Him to save them.  Eight of them had done this on a single Sunday!

If only those eight had accepted Jesus as their Savior, I would have been impressed by the rich and bountiful spiritual harvest, but God was not done.  The following Sunday, the pastor preached a strong sermon about sin and the hold it has on people.  At the end, he asked if anyone there realized they needed Christ's redeeming work to save them from the power of sin.  Six more people walked to the front!  Now the church was really rejoicing together.  Warm hugs and hand shakes reached out to welcome these new believers into the family.
On the third Sunday, Charlie taught Sunday School.  For some reason, the pastor thought he should follow the lesson with an invitation to receive Christ as Savior.  This time a husband and wife walked forward and asked Jesus to save them.

The birthday girl
On our last Friday night, we gathered in the home of one of the members instead of holding the usual Friday evening service at church.  Their daughter was having a birthday, so they invited the whole church for supper.  Once again, the pastor gave an invitation and a ten-year-old girl raised her hand.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a 9-year-old boy had done the same.  He invited them forward.  Then another four children came forward as well.  The pastor spoke with them and they professed their faith in Christ to save them.

The last Sunday afternoon we were there, we traveled to a nearby town where a new church plant has started.  A man arrived late to the service.  Most of the seats in the small auditorium were taken, but there was a row of empty seats in the front row.  Together with his little girls, he made his way up there and listened intently as Pastor preached.  Charlie whispered to me, "He is not yet a believer."  I nodded and began to pray for him.  At the end of the service, Pastor asked, "Is there anyone here who is ready to ask Jesus to be His personal Savior?"  The man stood to his feet.  That night one more man was born into God's family.

It was amazing to watch what God was doing in this corner of Guatemala.  I felt as though I was back in Bible times when it says in Acts 2:47, "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."  Almost every time the church met, someone else was being saved.