Looking back over the month, here are a few highlights:
- At the beginning of the month. we went to Minneapolis. When I walked into my brother's living room, four of his five children got up to give me a group hug. One of them had just flown in from Kuwait and another was getting ready to return to England. I was able to see the fifth the next day. It is so seldom that those five people are in the same location at the same time that I knew I was blessed when I got to be there then.
- I was able to catch up with a few friends in Minneapolis while Charlie attended classes at Central Seminary.
Amazon River, Peru - A photographer friend agree to take pictures for our new prayer card.
- We are participating in the children's ministry of our church here in Georgia.
- Details for Charlie's trip to the Peruvian Amazon came together, and he is now booked and getting ready to go. He will be teaching in a pastors' conference.
- I attended the funeral of my friend, Char, via live-streaming. What a godly example she was to me throughout the years that I have known her.
- I am working on the children's ministry class I will be teaching in the Philippines.
- I am almost ready to send the "Lost in the Desert" curriculum to the printers.
- On this, the last day of January, we walked into a church to give some Spanish materials to them to take on a missions trip to Nicaragua. When the teacher of the ladies' Sunday school class saw me, she asked to share the Word with a ladies' Sunday school class. I did not go expecting to teach, so I looked back at the things the Lord was teaching me this week in devotions and shared from Psalm 18.
- Then tonight I got to hear my husband preach. It was a good end to a good month.