Years ago a dear friend gave me a copy of Gadsby's Hymns. Since it was #7 in this book, it did not take me long to find this hymn by Samuel Medley. Medley was led to saving faith in Jesus Christ when his grandfather read him a sermon by Isaac Watts. After that, his life was radically changed and he became a prolific songwriter, writing over 200 hymns. Unfortunately, most of them are no longer being sung in our churches even though many contain doctrine we would want to sing. More modern songs and hymns have replaced them.
Although I do not know the tune it was sung to then, I find myself singing it to "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee."
Although I do not know the tune it was sung to then, I find myself singing it to "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee."
And comfort of my mind;
Too wise to be mistaken, He,
Too good to be unkind.
2 In all his holy, sovereign will,
He is, I daily find,
Too wise to be mistaken, still
Too good to be unkind.
3 When I the tempter’s rage endure,
’Tis God supports my mind;
Too wise to be mistaken, sure,
Too good to be unkind.
4 When sore afflictions on me lie,
He is (though I am blind)
Too wise to be mistaken, yea,
Too good to be unkind.
5 What though I can’t his goings see,
Nor all his footsteps find?
Too wise to be mistaken, He,
Too good to be unkind.
6 Hereafter he will make me know,
And I shall surely find,
He was too wise to err, and O,
Too good to be unkind.