Yesterday I intended to take my normal short visit to Facebook. Usually I check my page, answer messages and look at recent items on the newsfeed. That generally takes me about ten minutes. People who know me know that if they want to be sure I’ll see something, they have to message or tag me. I don’t want to spend too much time there. I’d rather spend real time with real people.
Yesterday on my short visit, I saw a number of people posting a link to the “Dove Commercial,” the one where the artist compares peoples own description of themselves with someone else’s. I decided to take the time to see it as it was obviously making an impression on some of my friends. So I watched it and found it troubling, but I couldn’t put my thoughts into words immediately. I needed time.
My first reaction when I saw it was “Why does it matter?” Why does it matter what I think I look like? Why does it matter what other people think I look like? Does it make any difference to the way I live my life? Shouldn’t I, as an adult, have gotten beyond the need for an affirmation of beauty? Isn’t life much more than looks? Are we, as a society, so self absorbed that our own physical beauty matters that much?
Secondly, beautiful women are not just the ones with flawless skin, thin faces, and straight noses. I know women whose radiance makes them stand out in a crowd. Everyone who knows them tends to talk about how beautiful they are, but they do not fit a narrow standard of beauty. There is an inner quality that shines through their eyes and demeanor that makes people take notice and call them beautiful.
Two of God's beautiful women |
Third, beauty is so much more than physical appearance. The most beautiful women I know are not those who would win a beauty pageant. They are the ones who are daring and bold and whose beauty shines through actions more than well-placed makeup. I would rather see a woman covered in mud helping to rescue victims after a flood than a beautifully dressed woman on a red carpet. A woman willing to welcome the seventh child into an already busy home is more beautiful to me than a perfectly dressed one who walks out of a lawyer’s office in a power suit.
When we read about the most amazing women of history, their physical appearance is not generally mentioned. Was Florence Nightingale pretty? What about Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross? Or Harriet Beecher Stowe or Harriet Tubman, who brought the plight of slaves into the forefront of American thinking? Do you think Margaret Thatcher sat and worried about her physical appearance while she made decisions on behalf of her nation? Does it really matter what any of them looked like?
God's beautiful women in Guatemala. |
Would Mary, the mother of Jesus, have been called beautiful by her peers? I have my doubts. What about Abigail, Ruth, Priscilla, or Dorcas? Yet all of these women are highlighted in Scripture, not for their looks, but for who they were.
For those of us who claim to be Christian, it should be very clear that the world’s standard of beauty is not ours. God created each of us unique. Since His hand of creativity is on each woman, all of us are beautiful in His eyes. Would we say to a daisy, “You’re not pretty because you are not a rose!” Of course not. We need to be very careful before we lightly criticize the creative hand of God in our lives. While we know genetics plays a part, it is still amazing the way God puts those genes together to create a uniquely beautiful person.
Are any of us alike? Yet all of us were created by God. |
So instead of celebrating our world’s standard of physical beauty, let’s celebrate the work of God evident in each others’ lives. Let's clap each other on the back and celebrate obvious acts of kindness. Let's rejoice when someone returns evil with good. Let's encourage industry, generosity, joyfulness, and patience. Let us stop commending each other on how beautiful we look and instead commend each other for how beautiful you ARE. Let's turn our eyes away from Hollywood's standards and remember God's standards. After all, He's the One who created beauty. I think He should be the final judge.