Monday, August 10, 2009

Junction Ahead

This summer I have taken several long trips. On those road trips, it is obvious that if you pay attention to all the signs, things go more smoothly. If a junction is coming up, will it be a right-hand or left-hand exit? Which road is best? Sometimes there are multiple roads that could get us to our next stop, and things like traffic jams, accidents, and road construction can make a difference as to which road we choose.

For Christians, our final destination is heaven, but God leads us along through a series of stops along the way. For the past nine years, the West Hampden Baptist Church has been our stopping point. Now God is taking us to the next one. We are back on the road in our lives, making our way to the next stop.

The signs on the road point to missions as our next stop. For several months now, we have been following God’s directions toward that destination. In February, we took a missions trip to the Dominican Republic where Charlie taught a week of modular classes. When we got to the end of the week, he said, “That is what I’ve always wanted to do.” So we asked IPM (International Partnership Ministries) if it would be possible for us to join them and do that. They eventually sent us an application. Last week we took a week to go through their pre-field training, and on Friday their board officially accepted us as missionaries.

So now we are close enough to begin looking for landmarks to pass by on our way. First, our church needs to find a new pastor and we need to sell our house. Then, we will start the process of raising friends who will support us with their prayers and finances. When that is finally complete, we will begin our ministry as itinerant teachers for IPM, going wherever they need us in their multiple Bible College and pastoral training facilities around the world.

Our next stop on this journey through life is IPM. How long it takes us to get there will depend on many things. But one thing is sure: We follow a Master Guide who has gotten all his travelers safely to their final destination.